Breaking the news, guest blog by Dad

It is a brand new day and my heart still hurts.  Yesterday feels like it should have been a dream as we should have our sweet Sterling laying in her bed or trotting along around the house.  She was notorious for getting up between 4-5AM and wanting to hang out so it is  no surprise that my body woke up this morning at 4:45AM with the desire to go hang out with Sterling.  😦

Every dog touches my heart in a different way and they all take a piece of it when they leave me.  Sterling truly showed me the meaning of undying love and loyalty and I promised her the day she walked in that we would provide that for her as her other family had not.  I promised her I would provide her with anything she needed to enjoy life and that she was truly a part of our family.

Sterling taught me that everyday is TRULY a precious gift to us.  As my head and hand laid on Sterling’s chest for her very last breath yesterday, I know that I will always think of her when I take a breath and when I enjoy each and every brand new day.

This is a guest blog post from Mike, ENJOY!

So, today, we had to say goodbye to our sweet old lady dog Sterling. Sterling came to us at the beginning of May through the Mile High Weim Rescue when her family of sixteen years took her to the vet to be euthanized, just because she was old. The rescue saw that she was in very good health and had some life in her. Brooke, the foster coordinator, told me about her and I knew she would be living out her days here as I have a soft spot for the old ladies!

Sterling was wonderful, a beautiful soul. She slept a lot and every time we came home, we would have to stand over her and make sure she was still breathing. She had some trouble getting around, but it never stopped her. One sunny day in June, I took her out front with me while I read a book, I figured she would lay by my side. I was definitely wrong. I couldn’t keep her next to me. I kept watching her explore our cul de sac. I would walk out, bring her back, and we would start the routine again. She loved walks and she would let Emma hold her leash, which Emma LOVED! I would always see glimpses of Sterling’s youth. In her trying to get out the front door, trying to eat anything she thought was in your hand, sniffing at the counters, and even two days ago snatching my dinner plate off of the table.

Last night, she started showing signs of fading. I slept downstairs near her. We realized this morning that she needed to go to the vet. We found out that she was bloated, her stomach was twisted, and she had a tumor. We then made the sad decision to put her down. We only had her for three months and we knew it could happen any day, but it did not make it any easier!

Which brings me to the moment I was dreading tonight…telling Cara and Emma. Brooke was at an event, so I had to deliver the news. Within a minute of walking in, they asked where Sterling was. I sat them down for dinner and told them something along these lines:

Sterling had to leave us and we would not be able to see her anymore. She was very sick, had a really big owwie and had died. I told them through some tears that I missed Sterling and that mommy and daddy were sad that we could not see her anymore. That is when something I couldn’t predict happened.

Cara’s biggest worry? “Sterling forgot her bed” (Which made me break down a little more)

She then said, “Don’t be sad”, then her and Emma got up and gave me a hug and kiss. Followed by Cara saying, “Now eat your pizza!”

Still feeling that they didn’t understand the situation, I asked if they needed anything or had any questions. Cara again, “Do you need anything? Do you need a treat?” Emma: “You need to make a daddy shake (Chocolate protein shake)”

Cara also decided to name one of her stuffed animals Sterling and the ceramic pug statue that floats between their rooms and into beds is now named Sterling too.

Finally, to end this talk at dinner, Cara, definitely asked, “Is there a new dog coming?”

At bedtime, Cara asked me if I was still sad. I said Yes, can you make me feel better?

She said she could give me a hug and kiss, which she did. She then said her turtle man (Ninja Turtle) would give me a hug, which he did. She then told me I could take turtleman to bed with me to make me feel better. Then followed it up with, “If he bites you, you can turn him into a salamander”

I cannot put in to words how proud I am of my girls for their love, compassion, and how they prioritized making me feel better. It makes me realize that we’re doing something right. I did not know what to expect in telling them about losing Sterling, but I had no idea it would be this level of compassion that adults rarely show. Thank you Cara and Emma!

And of course thank you Sterling!



Toddlers and tennis shoes

Well it is a Friday night and I’m exhausted on the couch with a blanket and dogs and seriously could just go to bed right now.  I probably should actually to catch up on sleep as my usual 6 hours of much interrupted sleep does not go all that far these days!  🙂

We decided to run to the outlets tonight as I wanted to shop for a pair of tennis shoes.  Seem pretty doable right?!?!

Our trip started by going into a women’s athletic gear clothing store and the girls decided they wanted to do some stretches in the store.  See picture below.  We kept it pretty tame and kept on with our shopping while heading over to the Adidas outlet to look for shoes.

Two adults and two three year olds in the shoe section was pretty much a nightmare.  Mike was helping me find some shoes to try on while within 5 seconds flat the girls have their shoes and socks completely off and are pulling men’s size 10 shoes off the shelf and walking around in them laughing hysterically.  Mike put out a couple boxes of shoes for me to try on and just as soon as I would put shoes on and take a couple steps, one of the girls had put the empty box back on the shelf, among 100+ boxes that all kind of look the same.  Luckily the friendly salesman had been watching and knew exactly where to find the empty box.  Good lord.

Then it started to get busier in the shoe section.  Apparently everyone shops for tennis shoes on Friday night.  Mike is walking around looking for shoes (even though he has clearly 7+ pairs of tennis shoes already), I am trying to find the empty boxes for the shoes I am trying on and Emma has walked off with my flip flops that I entered the store wearing leaving me shoe-less and frustrated.

Needless to say after that experience Mom got no new tennis shoes and we pretty much decided to wrap up our shopping trip and head home.

Bedtime at the Hengst house have been quite exhausting as well.  Tonight’s excuses consisted of:

  • I need a hug.
  • I need a fist bump.
  • I need a high five.
  • I need more water in my water bottle.
  • I have too much water in my water bottle.
  • I have need lip gloss on my lips.
  • I need my fingers nails clipped.
  • I need a hug.
  • You hurt my feelings.
  • I need a fist bump.

Life with my girls is never very relaxing but all in all they are hilarious, loving, fun girls who never cease to amaze me and make me laugh.  Happy FRIDAY to all and to everyone out doing something fun and spectacular, I’m living life vicariously through you while I stay on my couch and start to watch some trashy reality tv.



My children are HILARIOUS!

So I could sob over the fact that I have not done a very good job keeping up this blog for the last 18+ months or I could just jump in and start capturing the savoring the hilarious things that my THREE YEAR OLDS (can you believe they are 3?!?!?) say.

The show ‘Kids Say The Darndest Things’ has NOTHING on these two little blonde Hengst gals.

Mike and I sat down and hashed through some of the most hilarious things that our children have said or say regularly and here is our top list…

  • They refer to the house cleaners as the “wipe cleaners” and every time we come home on a Wednesday they say “Heyyyyy, the wipe cleaners moved that…” or “The wipe cleaners cleaned my room”.
  • With their kid cell phones they make phone calls from the car on our way home from daycare like Mommy.  Lately it has been Yanni they are talking to on the phone and Emma even interrupted me from our conversation and said “Yanni is calling me back, I’ve got to take this”.
  • From either one of them I hear “Mom, I like your big boobies!” followed by laughter…
  • “Mom, want to see my barbie’s boobies?!!!?!?!” followed by laughter…
  • Listening to them try to discipline each other is hysterical too when you hear from the other room “Cara, you are not making good choices right now” or “Emma you need to be quiet and make better choices”.
  • Hearing them respond with things I say like “Are you kidding me?”  “Cara, are you serious?!?” and even a “What the hell…” as I heard from their rooms the other day.
  • The potty talk could be a blog of itself for sure…  The things three year olds say when they are going to the bathroom.
  • When asked what they wanted for dinner one night, their response was “hot coffee”
  • When we went to the mall today, Cara was mesmerized by the fact that she had never been to the mall and the fact that people can eat at the mall.  Then she nsisted that we look for a shopping cart…
  • “I’m wearing mommy’s boobies…” followed by laughter as they waltz around with a bra hanging around their neck.

I’m sure there are plenty more that will come up from here but these were funny enough for us to think of on a riveting Saturday night at the Hengst house…